
2019 Personal Structures, La Biennale di Venezia, Giardini di Marinaressa, Venice

2019 Posters without Borders, Russian Film Week, London

2018 MOSCREAM, The Museum of Moscow, Moscow ​​​​​​​

About artwork

Sculpture titled “MOSCREAM” was created in the form of the most popular ice cream in Russia. In my work, I combined images of a dome that represent a symbol of traditional Russian architecture with an iconic ice cream cone. This visual connection between the shape of St. Basil Cathedral’s dome, the most recognizable building in Moscow, and the main summer delicacy through the prism of pop-art style encompasses the true values of the Russian society, the spiritual culture that needs to be preserved and protected, despite the trends of the consumption era. I was trying to emphasize that even in the most everyday and ordinary objects everyone sees first of all, what they want to see.

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